Co-ordinating school: SOŠ elektrotechnická Poprad - Matejovce
Partner schools:    Castle School Thornbury  (UK) 
                            1ST SPECIAL SCHOOL  ˝OI KENTAVRI˝  VOLOS  (Greece)

Aim of the Project

The project is aimed at exchanging information and developing partnership among the participating schools, enriching mutual knowledge about the European nationalities using new information and communication technologies. Active engagement of our students in highly motivated by posibility of visiting the partner schools abroad.  Besides this we strongly believe that this interesting project will enhance learning foreign languages and increase inter-cultural awareness of the students of the participating schools.

The project includes several final products:

Cookery Book

Presentations about Christmas and Easter Traditions

Working Sheets about History

Presentations about History

Working Sheets about Religion

T-shirt bearing the project logo


Sociálne siete

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Duálne vzdelávanie

Artboard 4 100

Artboard 3 100

Artboard 2 100

Artboard 1 100


logo farebne2

Stredná odborná škola elektrotechnická

Hlavná 1400/1, 059 51 Poprad-Matejovce

tel.: 052 7731 696

Pôvodný web

Vzdelávacie oblasti

Celoživotné vzdel.